Monday, September 10, 2012

Where Do You Begin? - An Introduction to the Journey - Part 6 of 7

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Do you know about - Where Do You Begin? - An Introduction to the Journey - Part 6 of 7

Jobs In Jacksonville Florida! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The title of this report is somewhat of a misnomer. You only begin your journey once in your life. It is at the moment when you screamed in fear because you were thrust out of the warm, nurturing and safe confines of your mother's womb. When I say begin, what I am certainly referring to isbeginning the next episode in your life. It all goes back to the metaphor of the bridge. Each bridge is an occasion to make a new decision or head in a separate direction. Depending on your decision, you will experience the connected thoughts, intentions and feelings. Hopefully, your decisions will allow you to be healthy, happy, harmonious, and present, peaceful and safe bet as you arrive at the destinations along your journey.

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How is Where Do You Begin? - An Introduction to the Journey - Part 6 of 7

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Coaching involves helping individuals or couples to move deeper into their experience to certainly understand the source, nature and usage of their data and energy. When I work with a client I use a top-down coming or, as I like to call it, the funnel method. We start at the top - the widest point - and then work our way down to the smallest point. In essence, this means we begin by exploring globally and make our way to comprehension locally.

When you begin a new phase of your journey, it can be very helpful to think globally and resolve in improve how you want to start the process and where you hope to end up. If you are planning a trip to drive cross-country, I imagine you would select your destination in improve and then resolve what type of car you most prefer, what route to take, how long you will tour each day and how much exertion you will exert to achieve your daily objective.

When you come to a point in your life where you know you need to make a change, you must resolve on your intended purpose, the results you wish to achieve and a plan to achieve your goals. In my coaching this is determined the top of the funnel. I refer to the process the exploration of the 3 D's to fulfill your destiny. Destiny is the culmination, or sum, of the parts that make up your journey. Destiny is not an end point; it is not someplace you get to and say "Okay, I am here, I am at my destiny." No, destiny is living your life congruently each day in an authentic manner where you are making good decisions and heading in a safe bet direction. Hopefully, you can reach your intended destinations with an abundance of passion, joy, gratitude, love, compassion, enthusiasm, and inspiration.

I certainly searched the web for a definition of destiny that resonated with me, and I could not find one. So, here is my definition: Destiny is the totality of your gift moments when your data is unbiased, realistic and precise and your power is positive, peaceful and enduring. Your true destiny manifests as you experience living your life authentically. Destiny is fulfilled when your soul is ultimately at peace with who you are, where you are, who you are with and what you are doing. How is that for a definition?

What makes up the important components of your destiny? Let's go back to the analogy of planning and taking a trip across country. Let's say you want to end up in California and you begin in my home town of Charleston, S.C. The first step in determining your destiny is always the decisions you make. You can begin your new journey by going north or south on Highway 17 or west on Interstate 26. The decision you ultimately arrive at will resolve the direction you wish to tour - the second aspect to your destiny. Now, let's say you resolve to head south and spend the night in Jacksonville, Florida when an unanticipated event occurs that causes you to alter your journey. This would imply that the decision you made and the direction in which you headed created the occasion for a destination to manifest itself. Destination is the third aspect of destiny. Had you decided to go west or north you would not have ended up in Jacksonville and the unanticipated event that transpired would never have happened to originate a new destination.

The enchanting point about destiny is that we have sub-parts that consist of the totality of our destiny. These sub-parts are what I call the 4 R's of destiny. As I mentioned in the third report in this series, we have four relationships in our lives.

1. Inner-Self - the association you have with yourself
2. Committed - the association you have with your intimate partner
3. Personal - the relationships you have with your children, family, friends and community
4. Professional - the association you have in your work and Professional life

The area of your focus will resolve what aspect of your destiny will manifest itself. Let's say in Jacksonville, you go out for supper and consideration man eating alone. You resolve to invite them to join you. During your time together, you originate a meaningful association and resolve to alter your plans and stay in Jacksonville for a while. Well, that could ultimately come to be a destination that affects your destiny. How about if you went to the bar at the hotel and met man who could tremendously impact your enterprise in a safe bet way? Would your decision to make the trip and the direction you headed in play a huge role in your Professional destiny now? I think so, and you never know, it just might be a defining bridge.

Here's another certainly enchanting aspect about destiny. Did you know you are free to make any option you want to make During your journey? In order to certainly know why you are making the decisions you are making, you need to have an awareness and comprehension of your inner motivation. This is the point in my coaching, about half way down the funnel, which I like to refer to as "looking in the mirror". This is where you focus on your "I" and assume absolute personal accountability for your decisions about how you want to continue your journey. You may resolve to either defend and blame or own and change. The request is, are you ready to make the decision? Basically you have three doors to select from. You can make the decision to:

Door #1 - Pass the Buck
When people are in denial they blame their experiences, events, other people and/or themselves. They are unwilling to look in the mirror and take accountability for their thoughts, intentions, feelings and words, actions, behaviors. people in denial remain stuck, disempower themselves and play the role of victim but remember, there are no real victims, only volunteers.

Door #2 - State of Now
The second decision you can make is to adjust something external in your life, such as changing jobs, enchanting to a new location or beginning-/-ending a association in your life today. You have the option to accept accountability for this stage of your journey and to say "Enough is enough", or, "I want something different". You can resolve to make a turn immediately and excerpt yourself from anyone it is that is causing you to remain stuck and/or in pain.

Door #3 - Address Your Gps
You can also resolve to examine and re-program yourGps - your Global Processing System. In this option you can reexamine your meanings, languages, fears and beliefs. You can collate how you are viewing and showing up in the world and re-evaluate your data and power by seeing at separate perspectives in order to make new decisions and turn your state of now. The decision to take this path will most likely give you the most occasion to learn, stretch, grow, inspire, conduce and to live your destiny.

Now let's journey down the funnel even further, look locally and ask a question. If you understand how your decisions result your direction, how your direction influences your destinations and how your destination impacts your destiny, then what effects your decisions at each step of the way? Great question! The rejoinder which I have alluded to in old articles is what I call The 5 P's - the Gps that affects your destiny. I will go much more in-depth in hereafter articles but here is a brief report of each:

1. Perception: When you have an experience in your life, you will perceive the event as pleasurable, painful or neutral. This perception forms your memory of the past and influences your view of the gift and images of the future.

2. Perspective: In this step you assign a positive, negative or neutral meaning to your perception. If the meaning is negative, you may make a fear and a language about the fear that becomes a belief law about yourself, others and events.

3. Process: Throughout your life you evaluate current situations through your thoughts, request questions and assessing the gift moment based on the data and power you received in the past.

4. Presence: This encompasses your emotions and feelings derived from your estimate of the gift or linkage to the past and how you manifest this power within yourself and with others in your relationships.

5. Procedure: This is the step where you make your decisions based on the old 4 P's. In this step, you select either to rejoinder to a situation based on the gift data and energy, or you react based on data and power from the past.

Now, what kind of coach would I be if I did not leave you with some inquiries after dumping so much data and power on you? So here are your inquiries to think about before you resolve where to begin:

1. Are you living your destiny in each of your R's?
2. What are the controlling forces that sway your decisions?
3. What do you need to understand in order to turn your direction?
4. Do you have a plan and are you ready for the destinations you want?
5. Do you rehearsal personal power over your P's?

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