Thursday, August 30, 2012

Truck Driver Jobs Are Waiting, and So is the Florida Sun!

--Jobs Hiring In Jacksonville Florida of Truck Driver Jobs Are Waiting, and So is the Florida Sun!--

basics Truck Driver Jobs Are Waiting, and So is the Florida Sun!

The sunshine state of Florida attracts not only a bevy of tourists but it is also a great place to live and work. So much so, that there is one hotly contested job and that is the one of a truck driver. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that truck driver jobs in Florida are incredible to increase some 20 to 35 percent by the end of 2008. This is in line with increases in other states, reflecting the sizable increase in the estimate of freight that is carried by trucks. But just as the sun and easy lifestyle attracts holidaymakers, more and more drivers are relocating their families to take advantage of the great weather and lifestyle.

Truck Driver Jobs Are Waiting, and So is the Florida Sun!

A pro business truck driver is going to have no problem in seeing a suitable job in Florida, although he should expect some stiff competition. Cities like Fort Lauderdale and Jacksonville are crying out for more drivers. The opportunities are perfect because truck driving has the many estimate of job openings each year. It doesn't matter whether the driver has even reached the pro status. Of policy this will dictate the level of pay and benefits, but as far as employability goes, trainee drivers will also have no problem in seeing a great job.

With the average trucker's wage starting at colse to ,000 per year, this is regarded by anyone's standards as a very good entry pay into an industry. The more experienced they are, with the more endorsements they have, the higher the wage goes. Within a join of years, a truck driver working from his home base in say Orlando, whether on the regional or national routes would expect to be earning in the vicinity of ,000. This does not comprise such things as sign-on bonuses, medical and dental insurance, 401K and others. Many experienced drivers, especially those who work the specialized tool such as wide-load hauling are able to negotiate pay and benefits colse to ,000 to 0,000.

It needs to be remembered that the incredible networks of carriers, and their trucks and drivers are responsible for carrying nearly all the goods that are portable colse to America on their journey to the buyer via retail outlets. The Ata says that it is not just goods from producers to consumers, but everything that is whether imported or made in this country. The tractor-trailers that are responsible for this movement, some 3.5 million of them, are driven by men and women who are united by the passion they have for their career. Not only this, it is the lifestyle of their choice, often engaging and downright difficult, and at times even dangerous, but never ever boring.

Husband and wife owner operator teams are also very much in question in Florida. They have proven to be exceptionally reliable truck drivers for the very long-haul jobs which at times doesn't see them returning home for close to two weeks. In fact, the whole time that they are away, the truck only stops to refuel, for food and to reload or unload. With them taking turns in the driving seat they are able to get to their destination on time. Owner operators have the most to gain, and of policy the most to lose. Many are based in Naples and Lakeland, ready to transport fresh yield right up the east coast to their supermarket shelves.

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